These are the colors in a color wheel.

Links to information about color and its use in HTML
Color Wheel
Color Theory
Color Scheme Designer
So, you may ask, why should you care? This is the basis for using color on type, backgrounds and lines either on the site content or for public service announcements to be placed on Calendar.
If working in InDesign, pull one of the color wheels off onto the desktop. Use it to apply color to type in an InDesign document. Highlight the type and then use the eye dropper to select from the color wheel. Use the same process for color as a background.
So, now back to color on the site.
These can be done in the HTML element.
These can be done on the Teaser element.
Look at this beautiful site, Opera News, published by the Metropolitan Opera Guild. The color palette is rich, relaxing and works well with the content.
Check out Inside, a publication that could be used as a format for college and workshop magazines in the future.